AwareMD logo: a heartbeat pulse followed by the text AwareMD with a red brain and computer behind the MD

Electronic Medical Records

The Cerebrum™ EMR system provides a large suite of features designed to make the practice of medicine easier

Two doctors standing side by side with a blue heart in the middle containing a heartbeat trace. A potted plant is on the left of the left-most doctor.


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Open, dark-coloured cardboard box with documents of various sizes and styles floating out of it.

Document Management

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A person sitting on a stool with a laptop on a desk and document in hand looking at another person who's pointing at a presentation behind them.

Workflow Management

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Browser with a webpage open containing two graphs beside a dollar and credit card. A person is seated in the bottom right corner.

Practice Business Management

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New Virtual Visit Integration

Start a live virtual visit with a single click of a button. Invitations work through both SMS and Email.

Two doctors standing side by side with a blue heart in the middle containing a heartbeat trace. A potted plant is on the left of the left-most doctor.

Practitioner Tools

Clinical Notes and Consultation Reports

Physicians can create their own set of pull down menus to use for creating consultation report or progress notes. No dictation/transcription is necessary. Any medical or surgical specialty specific descriptions are configured in admin; no programming required. CEREBRUM™ for Cardiology, Rheumatology, Respirology and Endocrinology is fully developed. Any other specialty can be configured without any additional programming.

Universal and Customizable Test Reporting Module

CEREBRUM™ has the tools to create a reporting module for any test, any procedure in specialty. Each doctor can create their own report generator and then use it to produce reports on tests in their specialty.

Artificial Intelligence

Physician is able to add new phrases and paragraphs for the clinical notes directly from the encounter interphase while working on a patient’s file and it immediately becomes available for further use on subsequent pages. Thus the more it is used, the smarter it becomes.

Cumulative Patient Profile

Full CPP functionality as per OMD spec 4.1. Pertinent part of CPP can be selected to repopulate into the consult note or progress note.

Chronic Disease Flow Sheet

For COPD, Asthma, Hypertension, Chronic Heart Failure, Diabetes or any other chronic disease. Physician can create custom flow sheets for any other condition they wish to track in a flow sheet format.

Medication Management

Including drug interactions and allergy management: manages all patients’ medications and prescriptions. It inserts newly prescribed medications and discontinued medications into the progress notes/consult and alerts if a medication prescribed is on allergy list or had an adverse reaction in the past. It keeps all historical dose changes and reason for changes.

CEREBRUM™ Research Tool

Allows searching across any set of parameters for trends or to assess the adherence to guidelines.

Open, dark-coloured cardboard box with documents of various sizes and styles floating out of it.

Document Management

External Document Management

Upload directly from fax or scanner into the patient’s file; ability to create custom folders by which one can sort the documents, when retrieving for review.

Lab Results Management

Electronically received lab results are inserted into the doctor’s inbox and into the patient’s chart at the same time. Physician can review the results in their daily mail or while reviewing the patient and mark them as seen. Abnormal results are highlighted. When signing for the results, it is sufficient to sign the final version, once final version is available, it replaces all preliminary ones. Abnormal results are flagged. Physician is able to order more bloodwork directly from the result review page. Next appointment and patients medications are visible on the page. Each individual result has a history of all previous ones and can be plotted against the medications start and end dates. The encounter page is prepopulated with most recent lab results.

Post-Procedure Module

Whether procedure was performed in the office or in the hospital, CEREBRUM™ will book all required procedure specific appointments and follow up and p[provide it to the patient in the form of flowchart with post procedure information, instructions and medication changes. Procedure specific follow up requirements are custom created by the physician in the ADMIN module.

Report/Consult Letter Download Portal

Referring physicians can download the test reports for their patients and the consult notes from the portal, as soon as they are produced.

HRM Report/Consult Letter Distribution

Test reports/consult letters are auto sent either by fax or by hospital report manager (HRM), which deposits the report directly into referring doctor EMR.

HL7 Module

CEREBRUM™ is able to communicate in HL7 format with other health related applications using Myrth engine. Lab report management is one example.

A person sitting on a stool with a laptop on a desk and document in hand looking at another person who's pointing at a presentation behind them.

Workflow Management

White Board Function

Tracks and controls the workflow on multiple levels:

  • Prior to appointment CEREBRUM™ flags patient files with incomplete prerequisites (e.g. lab result ordered during last visit). This work is usually referred to as “chart preparation” and is very labor intensive if done manually.
  • During the appointment CEREBRUM™ auto-switches appointment status as patient proceeds from arrival to seeing a nurse or having an ECG while flagging orders to be transcribed, making follow up appointments and marking patients as having completed the appointment. At any point in time one can see physical location of each patient and what is completed and what is pending. The white board view of each support staff only shows the patients relevant to them and shows when they are ready for them.
  • After the appointment CEREBRUM™ controls and tracks the status of every doctor’s orders, status of test reports and status of consultation reports as well as tracking patients billing status.

Doctor’s Worklist

Full list of tests to report, letters to complete. Everything is collected in one page from which a physician can complete the unfinished work without jumping from place to place.

Contact Manager

Every contact with patient or about the patient or any of the patient’s test results is logged and tracked in patient’s file.

Task Manager

Assigns and tracks tasks to staff and allows for intra office communication.

Browser with a webpage open containing two graphs beside a dollar and credit card. A person is seated in the bottom right corner.

Practice Business Management

Billing Module

Includes IHF billing, radiology billing, hospital billing including billing for hospital procedures and bonus codes. Billing is fully automated, as tests and visits are completed, CEREBRUM™ auto-bills for them and auto-submits to OHIP, receives the confirmation and reconciles, when reconciliation comes back. Billing for phone consults and for e-consults is built in. Reconciliation is assisted by providing live links to the claim, patient, and appointment in question.

Practice Management Reports

CEREBRUM™ has a large variety of reports with customizable fields and columns, allowing any combinations and permutations of parameter selection to obtain even very specific information that is required.

Staff Performance Module

Tracks the workload and productivity of every staff member.

Staff Check In/Check Out

Time with reports available for payroll and “late for work” tracking.

System Access Management and Auditing and Logging

Every transaction in Cerebrum is logged as to who, when and from what IP address. Page opening reports are available and all logins are also tracked.