AwareMD logo: a heartbeat pulse followed by the text AwareMD with a red brain and computer behind the MD


We offer both ASP and local server solutions that have been time tested since 2003, currently managing over 350,000 patients

Workstation Part ASP Solution Local Server
Processor Intel Core i5 or better Intel Core i7, Core i9 or Quad-Core Processor
Video Card Intel HD-620 or better Intel HD-620 or better
Browser Google Chrome
(latest 4 versions defined by
Google Chrome's release cycle)
Google Chrome
(latest 4 versions defined by
Google Chrome's release cycle)
Memory 16 GB 16 GB
Storage 250GB or Higher (SSD Recommended) 2TB or Higher (SSD Recommended)
Storage Configuration Any RAID 1 (preferred)
Network Any Gigabit Ethernet
Router DNS capability or DNS server DNS capability or DNS server
Antivirus Any Any
Operating System Windows 10 Windows 10 Professional or Windows Server 2012 R2 (or Higher)
Power Supply --- Redundant Recommended
Firewall Any Any
External Network Internet Required Static IP required